Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I Know a Place Where Dreams are Born...

BROADWAY on the RIVERWAY – oh what a night! The food was plentiful, the workshops engaging, the performances polished and filled with emotion. I want to thank all our patrons and their families for attending, participating, and being part of this grand extended family; the Wheelock Family Theatre.

Wheelock Family Theatre would also like to thank our colleagues from the Sodexo Corporation. Being a responsible corporate citizen is at the core of Sodexo's business, and this commitment sets the benchmark in areas such as sustainability, diversity, inclusion, wellness, and the fight against hunger. Support from Sodexo has nourished the WFT teacher previews, the Teen Take-overs, all of our opening night receptions, and our donor cultivation events; The Friendraisers. Indeed, WFT raises a toast to Sodexo as true friends! We extend our heartfelt thanks to Bob Cirame and Kelly Hamhoomis and Dan Eusebio.

A cheer is raised for support from Bank of America, a sponsor of the event, and a long time sponsor of the WFT School Partnerships! More cheers for the Brakeman Family, Sandberg & Gonzalez P.C., Charlie & Kitty Ames, Martha, Marjorie, & Maggie Bakken, George W. Blaisdell, Ellie Friedland, Suzanne Olbricht, and Jim Sokolove.

WFT extends a standing ovation to the WFT Advisory Board & our Event Committee: Meghana Baphna, Liora Beer, Amy Brakeman, Carola Cadley, Lauren Doherty, Julianne Dow, Natalie Eldridge, Karin Froom, Libba Ingram, Jenn Mason, Lisa McElaney, Martha McNamara, Danica Mijovic-Prelec, Lisa Monrose, Lynn O’Kelley , Mark Pinto, Ilyse Robbins, Robin Saunders-White, Debbie Sewell, Robin White, & Renee Pittman Williams.

WFT applauds our Event Coordinator; Lisa Korak, our emcee, Steve Aveson, the program director, Jane Staab, the musical director, Jon Goldberg, the workshop teachers, the WFT staff & volunteers, and all the fabulous performers, including the children’s chorus, our WFT faves, and our New York City friends, Steve Blanchard, Meredith Inglesby, Marty Thomas, Delaney Moro, and Kathryn Faughnan.

Thank you for making Broadway on the Riverway a night to remember!

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