Tuesday, October 21, 2008

dear Andrea

Andrea Healy died Sunday October 19, 2009

Andrea was truly a lovely person and the sweetest friend. I never heard her say an unkind word in all the years I knew her. She was a wonderful and caring teacher to so many of our children, an "awesome" stage manager and a great supporter of the many theatres and families with whom she lived and worked. The loss we feel at Wheelock is beyond measure. We shall always miss her shining eyes, bright smile, funny giggle, and that very special way she had of calling " PLACES..." Farewell and Godspeed dear friend.

WFT is currently planning a time of remembrance. We are talking to Andrea’s family to work out a time that is appropriate and sensitive to their grieving and our need to celebrate Andrea’s life and her commitment to our children and our families - at WFT and all the other theatres Andrea called home.


  1. this is such a beautiful tribute for such a beautiful person. as her co-teacher, i got to work side by side with andrea and had the pleasure of learning by her quiet example how to love life and love others.

    i will miss her so much.

  2. I miss my dear friend and it gives me comfort to know how loved she was by so many.

  3. I am overwhelmed at the outpouring of thoughts for my friend Andrea. She was the little sister I did not have at birth but was granted the pleasure of later in life. 20 years with her smile will never be enough but I am grateful of the time I had with her. thank you for doing this tribute.


Wheelock Family Theatre always hopes to engage in a lively dialogue. All voices make up our varied and colorful family and free speech is a cherished right. While critical analysis is welcome, and indeed, anticipated; discriminatory or hateful language will not be tolerated.