Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Smells like a new season of theatre, don't it? I just dropped my son off for his first day of Pre-K and all over Facebook, there are pictures of eager, smiling, toothless kids with enormous backpacks filled with nothing but hope and promise. (And maybe a few hundred dollars worth of school supplies -- remember when the school provided the flat box of Crayolas for you?) I even saw a few photos of move-in day on the Wheelock campus last week. Before long, we'll be in full swing: tech rehearsals, set painting, children being shuttled to and from classes, and then -- finally -- at long last: Opening Night! There's nothing quite like a fresh slate. A cast list, hot off the printer. A school desk free of chewed up bubblegum stuck underneath. Brand new sneakers, still just a little too white.

Keep watching this space for all the things a new year brings. This season, we'll be introducing cast and staff profiles, fun contests and giveaways, and, as always, my verbose take on minutiae and memories. Happy New Season, folks. Whee!

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