What is your definition of misery?
Alarm clocks...
What is your greatest fear?
To lose the people closest to me.
What was your first "real" job working in theatre?
Playing Winnie Foster in Tuck Everlasting
Are you a good at waiting tables?
Hopefully, I won't have to find out!
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Susan B. Anthony- gotta love those suffragettes.
Who are your favorite heroes of theatre?
Bernadette Peters, Kristen Chenoweth, and Andrew Lloyd Webber
Who are your favorite heroes in real life?
Our troops, victims of genocide, and doctors.
What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Orderliness...I'm not into systems and methods; I like to be spontaneous and just do what feels right.
What do you consider the most underrated virtue?
Curiosity- at least, with people my own age, it can be disregarded and looked at as being ignorant or intrusive.
Your favorite painter?
Thomas Kinkade/ Norman Rockwell
Your favorite musician?
Van Morrison/ The Script
Your favorite playwright?
Neil Simon/ Arthur Miller
When and where were you happiest?
In my living room when I was 10 years old after I got the news that I was cast in my first professional show as the lead. I was on top of the world!!!
What do you most value in colleagues?
Dedication...it creates a positive atmosphere and pushes everyone to do better.
Is there a class in which you wish you had paid more attention?
Math...not because I need it on a daily basis, but just to feel more confident when I do need to use it.
If you didn't work in theatre, what would you do?
I'd want to either be a surgeon or maybe a stylist- two complete extremes, right?!
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
So far, singing for Prince William and Prince Harry at Princess Diana's memorial concert.
What you'd like to be the world's best at?
Being the best surfer would be rad...
What book would you read more than once?
The Odyssey....I never get sick of it. And, of course, any Harry Potter book.
Who would play you in a movie of your life? Why?
Miley Cyrus....NOT!! I would like to see Anne Hathaway play me; I think she is brilliant.
What sports teams do you follow?
The Sox and the Celtics...always.
Where would you like to spend a vacation?
Honduras. I was supposed to go on a scuba trip there last year, but I got mono and couldn't go :(
What car would you like to be seen driving around in?
Either one of the mini coopers from the original "Italian Job" or a big Range Rover.
What book is currently on your nightstand?
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
If you could see a great production of a classic play, what would it be?
If you could travel back in time to visit or live in any time in history, when would it be?
I used to say the Industrial Revolution era, but I've realized that it must have been horrible working in those mills! So I am actually going to say the 1920's...the women were so confident and progressive. I think it would be a fun time. As long as I could skip the Depression in the 30's.
What actor will you see in any project they do?
I respect and learn from all actors, but I especially follow the works of Kate Winslet and Tom Hanks.
Alarm clocks...
What is your greatest fear?
To lose the people closest to me.
What was your first "real" job working in theatre?
Playing Winnie Foster in Tuck Everlasting
Are you a good at waiting tables?
Hopefully, I won't have to find out!
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Susan B. Anthony- gotta love those suffragettes.
Who are your favorite heroes of theatre?
Bernadette Peters, Kristen Chenoweth, and Andrew Lloyd Webber
Who are your favorite heroes in real life?
Our troops, victims of genocide, and doctors.
What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Orderliness...I'm not into systems and methods; I like to be spontaneous and just do what feels right.
What do you consider the most underrated virtue?
Curiosity- at least, with people my own age, it can be disregarded and looked at as being ignorant or intrusive.
Your favorite painter?
Thomas Kinkade/ Norman Rockwell
Your favorite musician?
Van Morrison/ The Script
Your favorite playwright?
Neil Simon/ Arthur Miller
When and where were you happiest?
In my living room when I was 10 years old after I got the news that I was cast in my first professional show as the lead. I was on top of the world!!!
What do you most value in colleagues?
Dedication...it creates a positive atmosphere and pushes everyone to do better.
Is there a class in which you wish you had paid more attention?
Math...not because I need it on a daily basis, but just to feel more confident when I do need to use it.
If you didn't work in theatre, what would you do?
I'd want to either be a surgeon or maybe a stylist- two complete extremes, right?!
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
So far, singing for Prince William and Prince Harry at Princess Diana's memorial concert.
What you'd like to be the world's best at?
Being the best surfer would be rad...
What book would you read more than once?
The Odyssey....I never get sick of it. And, of course, any Harry Potter book.
Who would play you in a movie of your life? Why?
Miley Cyrus....NOT!! I would like to see Anne Hathaway play me; I think she is brilliant.
What sports teams do you follow?
The Sox and the Celtics...always.
Where would you like to spend a vacation?
Honduras. I was supposed to go on a scuba trip there last year, but I got mono and couldn't go :(
What car would you like to be seen driving around in?
Either one of the mini coopers from the original "Italian Job" or a big Range Rover.
What book is currently on your nightstand?
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
If you could see a great production of a classic play, what would it be?
If you could travel back in time to visit or live in any time in history, when would it be?
I used to say the Industrial Revolution era, but I've realized that it must have been horrible working in those mills! So I am actually going to say the 1920's...the women were so confident and progressive. I think it would be a fun time. As long as I could skip the Depression in the 30's.
What actor will you see in any project they do?
I respect and learn from all actors, but I especially follow the works of Kate Winslet and Tom Hanks.
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